

How to train a dog to get interested in a frisbee

How to train a dog to get interested in a frisbee

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Training your dogs the right way

Here are some great tips on how to train your dogs.

Training your dog isn’t hard at all, as long as you have the right tools and attitude towards it. So if you are wondering how to train your dogs keep reading!
Quick facts on training your dog
It is a good idea to start training your puppy when it is around 8 months old. If your dog is too young training it might not be a good idea because it might not fully grasp all the training.
Always have some kind of reward ready when you are starting to train your dog, food or toys are both good choices to use. Maybe rubbing your dogs belly or anything like that may also work.
Don’t keep using treats, over a period of time you can get your dog to do what you want without a treat.
Things you need to know before you start
Have some patience-Many dogs’ work and learn at different paces, you can expect all dogs to be angels and do whatever you want it to do. Some dogs may take up to a week to learn a new trick, never give up!
Don’t get mad-Losing your temper is something that is vital and goes hand in hand with being patient. Punishing your dog will just make the training harder for you do please don’t do that.
Flexibility is key-If you start using food as a reward and it isn’t working then change to something else. This applies as well to the place your training your dog at, don’t thing that the living room is always the best place to train your dog.
You will need some quality them to spend your dog to train them, don’t think that spending 5 minutes with your dog will get it to learn anything.

Rewards for your dog training sessions

For the most part many dogs love to get rewarded, I mean wouldn’t you? This is what we use to train them; giving them a reward every time they do what you want is vital in this kind of training.
The first and best kind of reward is food, or treats, they are easy to carry around as many of them are small and you can buy them at any place that sells dog food. Plus almost all dogs can’t resist these, so when you start your training go buy a pack of dog treats.
Most dogs like the treat with some kind of meat and cheese in them, now be flexible and if your dog doesn’t like some treats try other ones. Just because it said your dog will love it on the bag doesn’t mean your dog will always like it.
Another kind of reward is a non edible one, something such as patting it or scratching your dogs belly are examples of what I mean. Some dogs like this and if your dog does not like the treats that you give them then this is something else that you can consider.
Showing that you love your dog is something to consider as your dog will love you only as much as you love it. Also by doing this you two will gain some trust between each other resulting in a better overall experience when you train your dog.

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how to train dogs that are smart...

How to train dogs that are smart

If some dogs are hard to train this doesn’t mean that they are bad dogs. Most people believe that dogs are unintelligent but that is not true for all dogs. So high that this intelligence can make them control you when you think you are controlling them.
Even though dominance and independent dogs are hard to train smart dogs may be even harder to train. Here are some reasons why?
Stupid dogs will do what you ask, whether you want it to jump or do some trick. To tell you the truth stupid dogs are actually easier to train then dogs that are smart. Now this article will tell you if your dog is smart and how to train dogs that are smart.
Some dogs may be too smart for their own good. Easily they will be able to see through us and manipulate us. They can also make us do things that we will not even notice. These characteristics will likely show up in smart dogs and noticing this will help you on training dogs that are smart.
Here are some things that intelligent dogs will show.
They can see through fences and find an exit easily.
Your words can be easily understood by the dog.

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How to train your dogs to poop on command.

Do you ever have to wait for your dog to do its thing? I mean like who wants to wait 20 minutes in the rain waiting for your dog to go, no one, and this applies to any outdoor situation.  Here is an article on how to train dogs to poop on command.
So to train your dog you first need to take it out on a walk and when the dog starts sniffing around, find a spot to do its thing you say a command work. Examples would be like “get busy” or “do your thing”. Right after be quiet until your dog is all done then give it a treat or something like that. If you do it before your dog has finished pooping then it this training method won’t work.
Also keep in mind the words that I choose to use, like “get busy” and “ do your thing”, you can choose and words you want to use but make sure they are not every day words. Like if I were to say “hurry up” as my word to signal my dog to poop well what if I was in a hurry and I told my wife to “hurry up” while my dog was right there. My dog might just take that as a signal to poop and he would do it right there which then will make me mad. So my point is to make sure you choose a phrase or word that you don’t use that often and isn’t used in frequently in everyday talking.
Do this for about 1-2 weeks; the time depends on your dog. Different dogs have different rates of them getting trained.  Then whenever you decide to take your dog out to poop just say your word and it will be done. Easy and a quick way on training your dog to poop!

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How to train dogs not to bark

To Barking is something compared to the human way of shouting. Except it sounds a lot more intimidating and very sound. Dogs do this when they are upset or mad. Also they may bark when they are trying to protect themselves, most of all dogs decide to bark because they get lonely or something similar to that.
So how do you train dogs to not bark?
One way is to get your dog to bark on cue, this makes it so that you are able to train your dog to control their barking. This way they understand to not bark unless you give them a command or something like that. I would suggest you do this kind of dog training with your dog, I have tried this with many people and it is very effective dog training method.
Teaching your dog that being isolated can happen and it isn’t that we want to ignore the dog, we just have something else to so. This provokes your dog to bark for a long period of time until he realizes that barking won’t make you spend your time with it. After a while they will get the idea that you have a specific amount of time and will spend time with it when you have the time.
Also take note that these two methods may not always work at all times so if these methods don’t work try to do some other things. Take this to account though, when you try to train your pets make sure that you have patience.

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How to train dogs that are hard to train??

Dogs are like humans, both are never born equal – While some dogs are dogs that will follow your every command some will do the opposite and give you a hard time. Now you may wonder, how do I train dogs that are hard to train? Well you need one very important thing, patience!
Hard to train dogs are not like different from the DNA of another dog, they are both dogs but they have genes that make them either dominant or more independent. They have two qualities that make it hard for them to be trained. These two are independence and dominance, both which play a big part in their dog training. So keep on reading to learn how to train hard to train dogs.
This is a trait that appears a lot more than any of the other traits. A dog that is independent an be sought out as a dog that doesn’t have the will or need to please their owners. Don’t get this wrong, this does not mean your dog doesn’t love you but they just are not as compliant as other dogs. Having this trait gives the owner a harder time training the dog.
This doesn’t mean that it is impossible to train these kinds of independent dogs. All you need to do is find something that you can train it with and work at it. Do not use any force to train your dogs as they already are independent using force may worsen this and make it impossible to train your dog. If you make your dog take this kind of attitude to you, you will never be able to train this dog. Then this how to train your dog article will be a waste. So let us be humane and not use force on these animals.
Now comes to the actual training part, the best way to train these dogs is to use the “cookie method”. Basically you teach your dog to do something and if your dog does it you give them a treat. This makes the training very easy and effective on how to train hard to train dogs.
A dog that is dominant does not like to be bossed around, unlike an independent dog. If you were to teach a dog how to sit an independent dog will ignore you while a dominant dog will be discontent with it.
Dominant dogs are trainable. Although they are fearsome they are easy to train and overcome. All you need to do is become the alpha of the family and make sure the dog knows it as well. After you are established as the authority figure in the family then they will fallow you and will not cause you any trouble.

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